Saturday, August 29, 2020

Tollens' Fehling's and Benedict's Test

 Three Visual “Tests” For The Presence of Aldehydes: Benedict’s, Fehlings, and Tollens’ Tests

We’ve seen previously that aldehydes are a functional group that can be oxidized relatively easily to carboxylic acids. For example, oxidation of alcohols with a “strong” oxidant like chromic acid (H2CrO4) results in an aldehyde that is quickly oxidized further to a carboxylic acid.

During this process, the aldehyde is oxidized and the oxidizing agent is reduced. Another way of framing this is to say that the aldehyde is the reducing agent in this process.

 The list of reagents that can be used to oxidize aldehydes to carboxylic acids is loooong. Of these, a few methods stand out in providing a particularly clear visual indication that the reaction has proceeded to completion. 

Three “visual” tests for aldehydes that you might encounter in an introductory organic chemistry lab are the following:

  • Fehling's Solution:- where an aldehyde changes the color of a blue Cu(II) solution to red Cu(I)  [as Cu2O]. 
  • Benedict's Solution:- a slightly modified version of Fehling’s solution
  • Tollens' Test :- where aldehyde oxidation results in a beautiful “mirror” of silver metal to precipitate on the reaction vessel.

Importantly, ketones don’t react under any of these conditions.  The above tests were also a useful way of distinguishing aldehydes from ketones in the dark days before IR and NMR spectroscopy made this routine.

Carbohydrates: Reducing Sugar

What’s a reducing sugar, and why is it important? Here’s a quick summary. Full details in the post below.


1-Mutarotation Is The Change In Optical Rotation Observed When Pure α- or β- Anomers Are Dissolved In Water (or other solvents)

In our recent post on ring-chain tautomerism, we said that there are two isomers of D-glucose in its 6-membered ring (“pyranose”) form.

These two diastereomers – which, to make matters more confusing, are called “anomers” in the context of sugar chemistry –  differ in the orientation of the hydroxyl group on C-1. (Note that C-1 is a hemiacetal. )

  • ➡️In the “alpha” (α) anomer, the OH group on C-1 is on the opposite side of the ring as the chain on C-5.
  • ➡️In the “beta” (β) anomer, the OH group on C-1 is on the same side of the ring as the C-5 substituent.
  • Each of these two forms can be synthesized and isolated as pure compounds.

    • ●The alpha (α)  anomer of D-glucose has a specific rotation of +112 degrees in water.
    • ●The beta (β)  anomer of D-glucose has a specific rotation of +19 degrees. (18.7 actually, but rounding up to 19).

    Here’s the interesting thing. When either anomer is dissolved in water, the value of the specific rotation changes over time, eventually reaching the same value of +52.5°. 

    • ●The specific rotation of α-D-glucopyranose decreases from +112° to +52.5°.
    • ●The specific rotation of β-D-glucopyranose increases from +19° to +52.5°.

    This behaviour is called mutarotation (literally, “change in rotation”).

  • Hold on.  Isn’t specific rotation of a molecule supposed to remain the same?

    Yes – if it is indeed the same molecule! 

    And therein lies the answer to the puzzle. For when the solutions whose specific rotations have changed to +52.5° are analyzed, they are found to no longer consist of 100% alpha (α) or 100% beta (β) anomers, but instead a ratio of alpha (α) (36%) and beta (β) (64% ) isomers.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Acidity of Aldehydes and Ketones

         Acidity of Aldehydes and Ketones

           For alkylation reactions of enolate anions to be useful, these intermediates must be generated in high concentration in the absence of other strong nucleophiles and bases. The aqueous base conditions used for the aldol condensation are not suitable because the enolate anions of simple carbonyl compounds are formed in very low concentration, and hydroxide or alkoxide bases induce competing SN2 and E2 reactions of alkyl halides. It is necessary, therefore, to achieve complete conversion of aldehyde or ketone reactants to their enolate conjugate bases by treatment with a very strong base (pKa > 25) in a non-hydroxylic solvent before any alkyl halides are added to the reaction system. Some bases that have been used for enolate anion formation are: NaH (sodium hydride, pKa > 45), NaNH2 (sodium amide, pKa = 34), and LiN[CH(CH3)2]2 (lithium diisopropylamide, LDA, pKa 36). Ether solvents like tetrahydrofuran (THF) are commonly used for enolate anion formation. With the exception of sodium hydride and sodium amide, most of these bases are soluble in THF. Certain other strong bases, such as alkyl lithium and Grignard reagents, cannot be used to make enolate anions because they rapidly and irreversibly add to carbonyl groups. Nevertheless, these very strong bases are useful in making soluble amide bases. In the preparation of lithium diisopropylamide (LDA), for example, the only other product is the gaseous alkane butane.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Werner’s Theory of Coordination Compounds


     Werner’s Theory of Coordination Compounds

            The fundamental postulates of Werner's theory which was actually a result of dream and made Werner        a noble prize winner in chemistry may be summarized as below.
       1. Metals possess two types of valencies, namely primary (principal) or ionizable valency and secondary (auxiliary) 
     or non–ionizable valency.
  a-  Primary valencies are those which a metal normally exhibit in the formation of its simple salts. Thus, in the formation
     of PtCl4, CuSO4 and AgCl the primary valencies of Pt, Cu and Ag are 4, 2 and 1 respectively. Primary valencies are
        satisfied by negative ions.
  b- Secondary Valencies are those which a metal cation exercises towards a neutral molecule or negative group in the 
            formation of its complex ions. Thus, secondary valencies may be satisfied by negative ions, neutral molecules
           having lone electron pair (e.g., H2O, NH3, etc.) or even sometimes by some positive groups. In every case, the
           coordination number of the metal must be fulfilled.
      In modern terminology the primary valency corresponds to oxidation number and the secondary to coordination
     number. Primary valencies are shown by dotted lines while secondary by thick lines.
2. Every metal has a fixed number of secondary valencies, e.g., cobalt3+ and platinum4+ were recognized to have
 six secondary valencies and copper2+ four. The total number of secondary valencies required by a metal is more
  commonly known as coordination number (C.N).
3. The secondary valencies are always directed towards fixed positions in space about the central metal ions.
   Thus, the number and arrangement of ligands in space determines the stereochemistry of a complex. Thus,
    in case of six secondary valencies the arrangement of secondary valencies may be as directed to the apices of
   a regular octahedral while in case of four secondary valencies arrangement might be either a planar or a tetrahedral
  manner and thus, this postulate predicted the possibilities of a variety of type of isomerism in coordination compounds.
 Remember that primary valencies are non–directional.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Reasoning Questions Of Chemistry UPPGT KVS PGT NVS PGT

     Reasoning Questions Of Chemistry

 1.fore nitration aniline is converted into acetanaline?
2. Aromolic ammines are less basic than aliphanic ammines?
3. Silver chiloride dissolve in methyl ammine solution?
4. Phenol does not undergo protosanon readily?
5. Odichlorobengin has lower boiling point than photochiorobenzin?
6. Ammonolysis of alkyl halide does not give a corresponding ammines in pure state.
7. If NO2 or COOH groups is attached to a carbon of benzin ring electrophilic substitution becomes difficults?
8. Halsalkane undergo nucleophilic substitution reaction?
9. Alchohol act as a weck base?
10. Phenol exibit acidic halver?
11. Ether posses dipolemoment even alkyl groups are identical?
12. Carboxylic acids have high boiling point than alcohols of comparable molecular mass?
13. Aloxhydes are more reactive than ketones towards Nucleophilic reagents?
14. Boiling points of eather are lower than isomeric alcohols?
15. Alkin acid is weaker than chioroacetric acids?
16. During the prepration of ammonia aerrivetives of alaehyse &ketones . pH of the reaction is carefully controlled?
17. Presence of acetic anhydense is necessary in the oxidation of tolvene to benzaldehydrade by chromic oxide?
18. Chloroacetic acids has higher pH value than acidic acid?
19. Electrophilic substitution reaction in benzoic acids takes place at metaposition?
20. Alkyl ammines are stronger base than Aryl ammines?
21. Like ammonia ammines are good nucleophiles?
22. In contrast to arenes aliphatic hydrocarbones do not undergo nitration easily?
23. What for quatornavy ammonium salts are widely used?
24. Tolvene is more readily nitrated than benzene?
25. Haloalkanes are more reactive then haloammines?
26. Unlike alcohols ,phenols cannot be easily protonated?
27. Alkyl nitrite have lower boiling point than the corresponding carboxylic acids?
28. Why do aldehydre/ketone behave like polor compounds?
29. Haloarenes are insoluble in water but soloble in benzene?
30. Formalchyde gives cannbard reaction whereas acitaldehyde not?
31. Carboxylic acid do not give the characteristic test of carboxylic group?
32. Haloalkanes undergo nucleophilic substitution whereas haloammines electrophilic substitution?
Why melting point of P dichlorobenzene is greater than that of Odichlorobenzene?
Addition of KCN solution to carbonyl compounds increases the pH of solution
Sodium Bisulfite is used for the purification of Carbonyl Compounds
Boiling point of aldehydes lie in between parent alkanes and corresponding alcohols
Benzaldehyde gives a positive test with Tollens reagent but not give with Fehling solution or Benedict solution.
Carbonyl compound shows nucleophillic addition reaction.

Monday, April 6, 2020



                         EQUIVALENT CONCEPTS

       Classical Concept of Equivalent weight/ Mass, Equivalent weight, n-factor and Normality for             Acid, Base and Precipitate.
        Number of parts by mass of an element which reacts or displaces from a compound 1.008 parts by mass of hydrogen, 8 parts by mass of oxygen and 35.5 parts by mass of chlorine, is known as the equivalent weight of that element e.g. 

As we can see from the above examples that equivalent weight is the ratio of atomic weight and a factor (say n-factor or  valency factor) which is in above three cases is their respective valencies.



Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic | IndiGo says some employees being ostracised due to 'line of duty and travel history'

IndiGo stated that its employees have been the front-runners in bringing Indian citizens back to the country and "enabling" them to reach their hometowns even during restricted movements.

from Moneycontrol

COVID-19 lockdown: E-biz players flag delivery disruption

Online retailers pointed out that their delivery staff is being stopped by local police and urged authorities to streamline the movement of delivery agents and goods.

from Moneycontrol

Airtel proposes roaming pact to all telcos to avoid service interruption

The Sunil Bharti Mittal-led firm on Sunday approached its competitors to set up intra-circle roaming and other processes in the way it is done by the sector to respond to disasters.

from Moneycontrol

$2 trillion coronavirus aid package stalls in US Senate

A 49-46 vote left the $2 trillion measure short of the 60 votes needed to advance, as the chamber remained deadlocked for a second day. Only one Democrat, Senator Doug Jones, voted with Republicans to advance the bill.

from Moneycontrol

Market Live: SGX Nifty indicates a positive opening for Indian indices

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a positive opening for the index in India with a 445 points gain.

from Moneycontrol

US Fed aims 'bazooka' to backstop coronavirus-hit economy

For the first time the Fed will back purchases of corporate bonds and make direct loans to companies, and will roll out "soon" a program to get credit to small and medium-sized business. It also said it will expand its asset purchases by as much as needed to stabilize financial markets.

from Moneycontrol

Elite hackers target WHO as coronavirus cyberattacks spike

WHO Chief Information Security Officer Flavio Aggio said the identity of the hackers was unclear and the effort was unsuccessful. But he warned that hacking attempts against the agency and its partners have soared as they battle to contain the coronavirus, which has killed more than 15,000 worldwide.

from Moneycontrol

Amazon teams up with Bill Gates-backed group to deliver coronavirus test kits

The Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network, a group of medical, public health and research organizations, is collecting nasal swabs from a sample of people across King County and Seattle to learn how the infection is spreading in the areas.

from Moneycontrol

Toyota, NTT to invest in each other in smart city tie-up: Report

Toyota Motor Corp and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp will form a capital tie-up to work together in smart-city development, making large investments in each other, Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported on Tuesday.

from Moneycontrol

Market Live: SGX Nifty indicates a positive opening for Indian indices

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a positive opening for the index in India with a 445 points gain.

from Moneycontrol

Gold rises over 1% as US Fed ramps up support measures

Spot gold climbed 1.7% to $1,578.83 per ounce by 0116 GMT. The metal rose 3.7% on Monday, its highest percentage gain since June 2016.

from Moneycontrol

Cash Market | An intraday short selling trade in Yes Bank

After a sharp move Yes Bank is likely to revert to its mean both in price and volatility.

from Moneycontrol

Stocks in the news: SBI, Sterlite Tech, Dr Reddy's Labs, Usha Martin, GNFC

SBI | Indiabulls Housing Finance | Usha Martin | Amber Enterprises | GNFC and Sterlite Technologies are among the stocks that are in the news today.

from Moneycontrol

Cash Market | A bullish double bottom trade in IOC

Apart from a Butterfly pattern on the weekly chart a bullish double bottom trade in IOC

from Moneycontrol

Options Trade | An options trade in Reliance to gain from its negative bias

A broken wing Iron Condor in Reliance post its sharp fall

from Moneycontrol

What changed for the market while you were sleeping? Top 10 things to know

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a positive opening for the index in India with a 416 points gain.

from Moneycontrol

Futures Trade | A low-risk short selling opportunity in MGL

MGL future has been weak in the past several trading sessions and after a brief consolidation, a series of sell signals were triggered in the intra-day charts on Monday.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus impact | Most temples closed doors for devotees to prevent spread of COVID-19

Here is the list of few temples amongst the prominent religious place in the country that had closed their doors for devotees as a precautionary measure to control the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus News LIVE Updates: Several states in lockdown; Trump says won't allow long-lasting damage to economy

Live updates of the novel coronavirus pandemic and its impact. There have been at least 471 reported COVID-19 cases in India so far.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | How does COVID-19 compare to other pandemics, outbreaks?

The novel coronavirus induced COVID-19 has proved deadlier than both past coronavirus outbreaks, namely the SARS that killed 916 people and MERS that killed 858 people.

from Moneycontrol

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus positive cases in Maharashtra jump to 89

Of the new cases, 14 are in Mumbai and one in Pune, they said.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus outbreak: Anand Mahindra proposes lockdown for few weeks

"Going by various reports from epidemiologists, it is highly likely that India is already in stage-3 of transmission. Cases could rise exponentially with millions of casualties, putting a huge strain on medical infrastructure," Mahindra said in a series of tweets.

from Moneycontrol

General insurers’ incurred claim ratio improves

The incurred claim ratio represents the total claims paid from the net premiums collected during the year

from Moneycontrol

Sebi short-selling curbs will act as a speed breaker to the market fall

The measures announced by Sebi would lead to winding up of speculative position but not impact those who plan to hedge their cash holdings

from Moneycontrol

Ideas for Profit | Potential COVID-19 treatment can be a shot in the arm for this pharma company

from Moneycontrol

Reliance Home Finance Limited

Reliance Home Finance Limited has informed the Exchange the Disclosure in terms of SEBI Circular No. SEBI / HO / CFD / CMD1 / CIR / P / 2019 / 140 dated November 21, 2019

from Moneycontrol

Top buy and sell ideas by Ashwani Gujral, Sudarshan Sukhani, Mitesh Thakkar for short term

Mitesh Thakkar of recommends selling Hindustan Unilever with a stop loss of Rs 2072 for target of Rs 1990 and Maruti Suzuki with a stop loss of Rs 5200 for target of Rs 4800.

from Moneycontrol

Skype, specialized phones, remote applications: How ‘quarantined’ MF managers sync up for workplace decisions

While most fund managers and analysts have shifted to working from home entirely, some dealers went to offices last week

from Moneycontrol

Cash Market | A bullish morning star pattern in Jindal Steel

On the weekly chart, Jindal Steel has formed a bullish hammer pattern and on the daily chart a morning star pattern at the support zone offering good risk reward trade.

from Moneycontrol

Futures Trade | A short sell trade in IndiaBulls Housing Finance

IndiaBulls Housing Finance has been dropping sharply but the price action is suggesting that there may be more down sides ahead of the expiry.

from Moneycontrol

Futures Trade | A bullish breakout trade in Reliance

Reliance Futures has staged a smart recovery broke out above down-sloping trendline and has also managed to close above crucial short-term resistance level.

from Moneycontrol

Options Trade | An options strategy in HDFC Bank

An Iron Condor trade in HDFC Bank which is expected to settle down in April series

from Moneycontrol

Nine stocks listed for F&O ban on March 23; what does SEBI circular mean for markets?

Effectively about 10-12% of the F&O stocks would be impacted. For most other stocks, even if MWPL are restricted, open interest is far lower to have any meaningful impact.

from Moneycontrol

Singapore Airlines grounds most of its fleet as travel bans bite

The move comes as global travel hub Singapore closed its borders to travellers and transiting passengers in an effort to stem the spread of the virus.

from Moneycontrol

Stocks in the news: Ashok Leyland, Lupin, GMR Infra, Welspun Corp, Hero MotoCorp

Ashok Leyland | Lupin | GMR Infra | Welspun Corp and Hero MotoCorp are stocks, which are in news today.

from Moneycontrol

China reports no domestic virus cases as imported infections climb

Two months after China took the dramatic steps to lock down some 56 million people in Wuhan and the surrounding province of Hubei, infections have slowed dramatically, and for five consecutive days there have been no new cases in the province.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | TVS Motor halts manufacturing for 2 days

TVS Motor said it would close its manufacturing facilities and offices for two days starting from March 23.

from Moneycontrol

Market Live: SGX Nifty indicates Indian index may open 1,000 pts lower, Asian peers dive

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a negative opening for the index in India with a 1,038 points loss.

from Moneycontrol

Gold falls as cash dash overwhelms stimulus measures

The metal rose as much as 3.1% on Friday as a wave of fiscal and monetary stimulus from central banks across the globe halted a run for cash.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic: Mutual fund operations to be impacted, AMFI writes to SEBI

AMC & RTA (Registrar and Transfer Agents) staff being advised to work from work, it would be difficult for AMCs to comply with some of the regulatory requirements

from Moneycontrol

Asia shares dive with S&P 500, bond yields fall anew

In a taste of the pain to come, E-Mini futures for the S&P 500 dived 5% at the open to be limit down.

from Moneycontrol

Japan says Tokyo Olympics may be postponed due to coronavirus

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on Sunday after an emergency meeting that it is stepping up its "scenario planning" for the 2020 Games due to start on July 24, including a possible postponement.

from Moneycontrol

Automakers halt production in India due to coronavirus

The move comes after automakers shut plants last week in Europe, the United States, Canada and Mexico as the global death toll from coronavirus exceeded 13,000.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic: IOC asks member countries about COVID-19 impact

"how do the emergency regulations relating to COVID-19 limit the training and preparation of your athletes?" - IOC

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic: Spanish athletics join call for Olympic delay

"The Board of Directors of the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation, on behalf of the majority of Spanish athletes, is advocating the postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games" the RFEA said in a statement.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus impact: Aussie batsman, Khawaja urges people to take COVID-19 more seriously

"The more seriously we take it, then hopefully, the quicker we can get through it and the less amount of lives that are affected both medically and financially. We need to think about others, not just ourselves" Khawaja tweeted.

from Moneycontrol

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic | GoAir announces 50% salary cut for top management

GoAir said, “The measures are temporary to combat COVID-19 impact.”

from Moneycontrol

IT firms still struggling to allow its employees to work from home

Considering 50 lakh employees are in the IT sector, enabling them to WFH becomes important.

from Moneycontrol

IPL 2020: KKR skipper takes for shadow practice and meditation in self-isolation courtesy of COVID-19

KKR have posted a video of their captain in which he is seen doing shadow practice and meditation.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus: Equity mutual funds give 25% negative returns to investors

The 44-player mutual fund industry is not immune to the economic blowback of COVID-19, and going ahead, small and mid-cap equity schemes will continue to remain under pressure in the short to medium term on account of volatility in the markets, said Krishna Karwa, Senior Research Analyst, at iFAST Financial India.

from Moneycontrol

Stay at home and save lives: President Trump

As of Saturday, there were at least 26,574 confirmed cases of the deadly coronavirus in the US, an increase of more than 7,000 in a day alone.

from Moneycontrol

Corona pandemic I Mumbai health dept asks police to track movements of people who returned from abroad

Health authorities approach police to ensure people who are self quarantined are confined to home for 15 days; “non-compliance to be dealt very strictly”.

from Moneycontrol

COVID-19: China reports first local case after three days, witnesses surge in imported infections

China's National Health Commission (NHC) said that 46 new confirmed cases were reported on the mainland on Saturday, including one domestic infection transmitted by imported cases in Guangzhou.

from Moneycontrol

Indian Cooking Tips: 11 Indian Paneer Gravy Recipes You Can Try At Home

Paneer is one of the most loved dishes across India for its sheer versatility. Here are 11 paneer gravies you can try at home for your next spread.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Coronavirus impact: Tenants occupying co-working spaces ask for flexible terms following pandemic

Co-working operators say that they have not yet received requests for refunds but start-ups that occupy seats in the open plan have requested for terms to be renegotiated.

from Moneycontrol

COVID-19 deaths surge past 13,000 as one billion confined to homes

The raging pandemic has forced lockdowns in 35 countries across the globe, disrupting lives, travel and businesses as governments scramble to shut borders and unleash hundreds of billions in emergency measures to avoid a widespread virus-fuelled economic meltdown.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Car, bike factories in Pune shut till March 31; Mercedes, Fiat, JCB join the league

More than two dozen Covid-19 positive cases have been reported from the twin cities of Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad in Maharashtra

from Moneycontrol

Italy reports almost 800 new virus deaths, new daily record

The number of COVID-19 infections rose by 6,557 to 53,578, another record.

from Moneycontrol

First coronavirus case reported in Andhra Pradesh

The man flew from Paris to Delhi on March 15 and then to Hyderabad and Vijayawada on March 17, officials said.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus cases rise to 315 in India: Health Ministry

"Total number of confirmed cases so far in the country as on 21 March including foreign nationals is 315," the Health Ministry said late Saturday.

from Moneycontrol

Covid-19: Mumbaikars stay indoors as 'Janata curfew' commences

Modi has proposed the day-long curfew between 7 am and 9 pm as part of social distancing to check the spread of the deadly virus.

from Moneycontrol

Market Week Ahead: 10 key factors that will keep traders busy this week

Needless to say, global cues and developments around the coronavirus pandemic would dictate the market trend ahead also," Ajit Mishra of Religare Broking said.

from Moneycontrol

Maharashtra govt announces effective shut-down of Mumbai local trains

The restriction, which will effectively shut down the train services, Mumbai's lifeline, will come into effect from midnight of Sunday, March 22, the release said.

from Moneycontrol

Allocate capital in equities which is not required for the next 3 years: Neelesh Surana

These are indeed unprecedented times, and it’s important to maintain asset allocation discipline. Valuations are attractive, we would recommend investors should capitalise on increasing allocation.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus LIVE updates: Stay indoors, stay healthy, says PM Modi as Janata Curfew begins

LIVE coverage of the coronavirus pandemic and the situation arising out of that.

from Moneycontrol

Investing in the time of coronavirus: How to play in such markets?

Neelesh Surana of Mirae Asset Investment Managers said discipline of asset allocation should be maintained given that coronavirus is an evolving situation.

from Moneycontrol

Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic | California's Yosemite National Park shuts down over coronavirus fears

Beginning at 3:00 pm local time (2200 GMT), they said, the grounds would be "closed to all park visitors until further notice." The only people allowed access to the park, located in northern California, will be employees, the statement said.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | US strengthens emergency, relief measures to combat coronavirus threat

More than 230 Americans had lost their lives by Friday evening due to the coronavirus and the number of confirmed cases jumped to over 18,000, an increase of over 10,000 in less than 50 hours.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Wuhan recovery gives hope to rest of world: WHO

The city of Wuhan registered no new cases of COVID-19 in 24 hours -- for the first time since reporting its first case in December in an outbreak that has gone on to infect more than 250,000 people around the world and kill more than 11,000 people.

from Moneycontrol

North Korea fires two 'ballistic missiles' into sea: Seoul

"The military is monitoring for additional launches and maintaining readiness," it added.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Meghalaya announces 24-hour shutdown on Saturday, CM says it's 'coronavirus awareness day'

Speaking to reporters after chairing a Cabinet meeting on Friday, he said all public transport, commercial establishments and markets will remain shut to create awareness about the pandemic among the people of the state.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | US blames China, Russia and Iran for spreading 'disinformation' on coronavirus

Speaking at the White House on Friday, Pompeo described the disinformation campaigns as being "pretty diffused" and urged Americans to ensure that they are getting their information from a reliable source and not a "bad actor" trying to create and flow information that they know is wrong.

from Moneycontrol

IndiGo, GoAir to curtail flights on March 22 for Janata Curfew

While GoAir has suspended all flights, IndiGo will run only 60 percent of normal schedule

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Amid fear of lockdown, people resort to panic buying in various parts of Delhi

Dilpreet Kaur, a housewife and a resident of Janakpuri area, said she has stocked essential food items like wheat, sugar and oil.

from Moneycontrol

COVID-19: Total 236 coronavirus cases in India, says ICMR

"A total of 15,404 samples from 14,514 individuals have been tested for SARS-CoV2 as on 20th March 2020 6 PM. A total of 236 individuals have been confirmed positive among suspected cases and contacts of known positive cases," Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) said.

from Moneycontrol

Netflix creates $100 million fund to help displaced film and TV workers

Hundreds of thousands of cast and crew around the world have lost work amid the crisis. That includes electricians, carpenters, drivers and other hourly workers.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | The United Kingdom is closed: Johnson shutters pubs and restaurants

As the coronavirus outbreak sweeps across the world, governments, companies and investors are grappling with the biggest public health crisis since the 1918 influenza pandemic, panicked populations and imploding financial markets.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Member of US Vice President Pence's office tests positive for coronavirus

Miller said Pence's office was notified on Friday evening about the positive test. The statement did not name the individual. "Further contact tracing is being conducted in accordance with CDC guidelines," she said, referring to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Winter is coming: Cooler South America weather could fan coronavirus spread

Little is known about how changes in seasonal weather affect the new coronavirus. But six infectious disease experts in Brazil said that past outbreaks in the country, including the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic, point to colder temperatures exacerbating contagion.

from Moneycontrol

Be cautious, gold may fall upto $1,400/ounce before bouncing back sharply

We advise that one needs to be very cautious while buying, considering the unknown nature of medium to long term progress of virus infections and the way different countries are going to deal with it

from Moneycontrol

Former Vistara CSCO Sanjiv Kapoor joins GoAir

The appointment comes at a time when GoAir faces a crisis, as the rest of the industry 

from Moneycontrol

What should investors do as markets turn volatile over coronavirus fears

We believe that the markets maybe over-correcting and once the infection is under control, equity markets would potentially recover.

from Moneycontrol

18% of Nifty50 companies will gain from falling crude prices

The fall in crude prices comes at a time when the global economy is reeling under the impact of coronavirus.

from Moneycontrol

Market awaits relief package, but correction will continue if virus spreads further

Given the disaster, the world may change its way of investment strategy in the future.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | How to travel the world when you’re homebound

Both Netflix and Amazon Prime are making your forced homestay more interesting.

from Moneycontrol

'A gig that terrifies you and gives you purpose': What it takes to direct MAMI Mumbai Film Festival

Artistic director of the prestigious MAMI Mumbai Film Festival Smriti Kiran has turned around its fortunes in the past few years.

from Moneycontrol

She’s out to save India's missing girls using art and a digital game

Creative and fine-art photographer Leena Kejriwal has helped raise awareness about sex trafficking through her unique art and technology project Save Missing Girls.

from Moneycontrol

House Of Celeste's Progressive Take On Indian Classics Will Warm Your Hearts

HouseofCelesteis also Michelin star chef Suvir Saran's progressive Indian restaurant in India. After enthralling the world with his culinary finesse, chef Suvir has come back to India to give his...

from NDTV Food - Latest

'I limit myself to taking only one panga a day' – 'Guilty' director Ruchi Narain on battling everyday sexism

Ruchi Narain, director of the hit Netflix film 'Guilty', shares her personal and professional battle with patriarchy.

from Moneycontrol

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Diamonds in the Dust: A sharp correction in ICICI Bank’s shares signals an opportunity

from Moneycontrol

Godrej Properties announces project in Faridabad, share price up

Company announced its entry into the Faridabad market with its first residential plotted development.

from Moneycontrol

ITC stock sees 32% in 2020; brokerages now expect double-digit gains

As of March 19 close, shares of ITC have fallen 32 percent on BSE in the calendar year 2020, in sync with a 31 percent fall in Sensex during the same period.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic update March 20: Number of global cases crosses 200,000

Since the WHO's previous update, seven new countries/territories/areas have reported their first cases of COVID-19.

from Moneycontrol

Biocon share price rises 3% on EIR from USFDA

The inspection was conducted between February 20 to 26, 2020 and EIR has been closed with a “VAI” classification.

from Moneycontrol

Here’s how option writers got crushed under the market crash

Here’s how option writers got crushed under the market crash

from Moneycontrol

Marico’s risk-reward ratio turns favourable for investors

from Moneycontrol

Equity funds are managing this market fall well

The lesser a fund falls, the easier it is for it to recover when markets move higher

from Moneycontrol

PM Modi's COVID-19 task force to meet today; direct cash transfer on the cards

The COVID-19 Economic Task Force is set to meet at 10.30 am on March 20 to finalise details of the same

from Moneycontrol

Gold loses its shine as panic sets in, but up move possible on global liquidity

Overall, the sell-off in last few days shows that market players have lost their confidence in gold's capability to protect their wealth from slowdown triggered by virus outbreak.

from Moneycontrol

Rupee opens higher at 74.77 per dollar

We see INR in the rage of 74-76 for next 1-2 months, says Hitesh Jain, Lead Analyst, YES Securities.

from Moneycontrol

Top buy and sell ideas by Ashwani Gujral, Mitesh Thakkar, Prakash Gaba for short term

Ashwani Gujral of recommends buying ITC with a stop loss of Rs 157, target of Rs 172 and Bharti Airtel with a stop loss of Rs 436, target of Rs 460.

from Moneycontrol

Where could the market mayhem end – Lessons from the 2008-09 financial crisis

from Moneycontrol

Nokia unveils first 5G smartphone 8.3 5G, check the details

Nokia 8.3 5G is priced at €599 (Approx. Rs 47,950) for the 6GB RAM and 64GB storage model.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus LIVE updates: China reports no new domestic COVID-19 cases for second day

Live updates of the novel coronavirus pandemic and its impact. There are at least 173 active reported cases of COVID-19 in India.

from Moneycontrol

The Moneycontrol Explainer | What impacts the gold price

from Moneycontrol

In pics | India’s slums can’t afford sanitisers, lack clean water to prevent coronavirus spread

Lack of clean water for India's poor spawns virus concerns. They can’t afford to buy hand sanitizer, which could help ward off transmission of the coronavirus in his community.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus impact: A summer of woes for luxury hospitality as losses likely to touch Rs 620 crore

Most luxury hotels are selling way below their minimum assured room rates and have seen up to 60 percent dip in room bookings.

from Moneycontrol

Options Trade | An options strategy to gain from a likely sideways move in SBI

A broken wing Iron Condor trade in SBI to benefit from a sideways movement with downside insurance in place.

from Moneycontrol

Cash Market | A possible breakout trade in ITC

ITC has been a safe haven in the market in the last many sessions defying the down move. In the previous session, it moved up against the trend on good volumes.

from Moneycontrol

Stocks in the news: SBI, SpiceJet, Strides Pharma, Praj Industries, RITES, Sun Pharma

Lakshmi Vilas Bank | SpiceJet | IndiGo | Balrampur Chini | RITES and Escorts are among the companies that are in the news today.

from Moneycontrol

Market Live: SGX Nifty indicates a positive opening for Indian indices

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a positive opening for the index in India with a 78 points gain.

from Moneycontrol

Nirbhaya case: Four rapists hanged till death at Delhi's Tihar jail

A 23-year-old physiotherapy intern, who came to be known as 'Nirbhaya' (fearless), was gang raped and assaulted in a moving bus in south Delhi on December 16, 2012. She died after a fortnight.

from Moneycontrol

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic: ICSE has not postponed class 10, 12 board exams, says official

"The exams have not been postponed and will be held as per schedule as of now," board chief executive and secretary Gerry Arathoon told PTI.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | HCL Noida employee tests positive, co invokes COVID-19 contingency plan

All the other employees working in the facility are in good health, said the company, adding that they are being monitored continuously.

from Moneycontrol

Canadian plane maker De Havilland sues SpiceJet for Rs 320cr for failing to pay for aircraft order

The suit has been filed with the High Court of Justice of England and Wales.

from Moneycontrol

These metal stocks are now available at a steep discount to replacement cost

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Travel industry down to its knees: 'Not done a single booking in three weeks,' says agent

Business has come to halt for travel agents and tour companies as customers cancel flights and trips due to the coronavirus scare

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Western Railway local trains see commuter count drop by 8 lakh

According to WR, on Tuesday 32.60 lakh passengers travelled on their suburban trains as against 40.75 lakh on Monday (down 8.15 lakhs).

from Moneycontrol

China reports no new domestic coronavirus cases for first time: NHC

China's National Health Commission (NHC) in its daily report said that no new domestically transmitted cases of the novel coronavirus disease were reported on the Chinese mainland on Wednesday.

from Moneycontrol

Why the NAV cut-off time is immaterial for long-term MF investors

Over the long term an, investment made a day or two later really does not impact the return much

from Moneycontrol

Rupee opens at record low of 74.95 per dollar

"The larger trend continues to be weak for the domestic currency, given the economic blow from the coronavirus outbreak," says Sugandha Sachdeva VP-Metals, Energy & Currency Research, Religare Broking.

from Moneycontrol

65% flat buyers in MMR defaulting on payments amid coronavirus scare: Report

With the closure of shopping malls as a preventive measure amid the rapid spread of COVID-19, there are indications that retail tenants will also stop paying rents to mall owners.

from Moneycontrol

Diamonds in the Dust | This CV company’s shares appear deflated, but its potential is intact

from Moneycontrol

Lok Sabha approves Budget of over Rs 1 lakh cr for J&K for FY21

Since the bifurcation (October 31), as many as 45 lakh beneficiaries have got Rs 1,705 crore disbursed through direct benefit transfers to their accounts directly during this financial year, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in reply to the debate on Budget for Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.

from Moneycontrol

Two US Congressmen test positive for coronavirus

Republican Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart from Florida became the first American lawmaker to have tested positive for the coronavirus, a deadly disease for which the health community is struggling to find a vaccine and a treatment.

from Moneycontrol

'Chinese virus' term not racist, says Donald Trump

"Because it comes from China, it's not racist at all. It comes from China.. I want to be accurate," Trump told reporters at a White House news conference when asked about the allegations that the use of the term "Chinese virus" is racist and it has resulted in attacks on Chinese-Americans in the country.

from Moneycontrol

SAARC nations can together mitigate coronavirus impact: Dharmendra Pradhan

Making a strong pitch for SAARC nations to jointly combat the virus, Modi had on Sunday committed USD 10 million for the emergency fund, and asserted that the best way to deal with the pandemic was by coming together, and not growing apart.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Bill Gates says countries that shut down and do testing could bounce back in weeks

"If a country does a good job with testing and shut down, then within 6-10 weeks it should see very few cases and be able to open back up," Gates said on Wednesday in response to a question during his rare appearance at Reddit, a social media site which is popular among the younger generation.

from Moneycontrol

Options Trade | An options strategy to benefit from the negative bias in Hindalco

A protective call strategy in Hindalco will benefit from the slide in the stock

from Moneycontrol

Melania Trump to star in US coronavirus awareness ads

ABC, CBS, NBC and other networks will air the public service announcements, which will also include other Trump administration officials and "communicate the most important ways Americans can protect themselves and those most at risk," the White House said in a statement.

from Moneycontrol

Cash Market | A bullish hammer pattern in PFC

PFC has declined towards its major long term support on the weekly time frame and made a hammer pattern suggesting buying interest.

from Moneycontrol

Cash Market | A chance to exploit a technical bounce in IndusInd Bank

IndusInd Bank has been mercilessly beaten and is in a heavily oversold zone. It can stage a technical bounce which can be traded in the short to medium term.

from Moneycontrol

Futures Trade | Shallow pull-backs offer fresh short selling opportunity in Titan

Titan futures have been heading lower for quite some time now. After a sharp fall and a shallow pull-back, a fresh sell signal was triggered on Wednesday, which confirms the bearish undertone.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus LIVE Updates: PM Modi to address nation today; CBSE postpones class 10, 12 board exams till March 31

Live updates of the novel coronavirus pandemic and its impact. There are at least 151 active reported cases of COVID-19 in India.

from Moneycontrol

What changed for the market while you were sleeping? Top 10 things to know

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a negative opening for the index in India with a 110 points loss.

from Moneycontrol

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Why banning short selling is a bad idea

The shorts could be on account of creating a hedge position before selling huge quantities

from Moneycontrol

Are IT stocks good for bottom fishing?

While some of the large caps have entered the zone of value and hence investors should gradually start nibbling at them. Catching the bottom is next to impossible and we are still not jumping into mid-cap IT

from Moneycontrol

Samsung Galaxy M21 India launch at 12 pm: Everything we know so far

The pricing details are presently unknown but we can expect the device to launch around Rs 12,000

from Moneycontrol

Telecom operators red-flag ‘surveillance’ after govt seeks call data records of all users: Report

Call data records of mobile phone consumers were sought by the DoT for February 2, 3 and 4 for the Delhi circle which has around 53 million subscribers.

from Moneycontrol

Rupee opens higher at 73.98 per dollar

The dollar held overnight gains against most major currencies on Wednesday, after US yields jumped and as deepening fear around the coronavirus drove a scramble for greenback.

from Moneycontrol

Covid-19 pandemic | Lessons from India on how to overcome shortage of medical supplies

Balance sheets must not determine the relevance of State-owned production facilities, especially if they are involved in producing medical supplies. This is because health is too valuable to be left to market forces of supply and demand.

from Moneycontrol

Top buy and sell ideas by Ashwani Gujral, Sudarshan Sukhani, Prakash Gaba for short term

Sudarshan Sukhani of suggests buying ACC with stop loss at Rs 1090 and target of Rs 1160 and Cadila Healthcare with stop loss at Rs 255 and target of Rs 272.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic update March 17: 8 new countries record first cases

The WHO said that India has reported 137 cases of COVID-19, and three deaths.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | World Bank increases COVID-19 response fund to $14 billion

The package will strengthen national systems for public health preparedness, including for disease containment, diagnosis and treatment, and support the private sector, the bank said in a statement on Tuesday.

from Moneycontrol

NC chief Farooq Abdullah visits detained Mehbooba Mufti's residence in Srinagar

The meeting comes two days after he had asked all political parties of Jammu and Kashmir to jointly appeal to the Centre to bring back all detainees lodged outside the Union Territory.

from Moneycontrol

Options Trade | An option strategy to gain from a bearish stance in UPL

A broken wing Iron Condor trade in UPL that has been falling steadily

from Moneycontrol

Futures Trade | A breakdown trade from a trend line in UPL

UPL futures have been sliding lower and have broken below an up-sloping trend line the series of sell signals in the point & Figure chart confirms the bearish undertone.

from Moneycontrol

Cash Market | A reversal to the mean trade in RBL Bank

RBL Bank is heavily oversold after falling from 300 levels and can bounce back in line with the market.

from Moneycontrol

Futures Trade | A high probability short sell in IOC

IOC is in a sharp downtrend with price consistently falling and all momentum and directional indicators pointing downwards.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Will shut trains if people don't stop non-essential travel: Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray

He said there would be no holiday for seven days to government offices as was reported in a section of media.

from Moneycontrol

New iOS 14 code hints Apple will launch two affordable iPhones

Further, both the affordable iPhones could be powered by the latest Apple A13 Bionic chipset, which is also found on the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Govt should be complimented for its efforts to deal with COVID-19: Karti Chidambaram

He then spoke about complaints that people, being quarantined over coronavirus suspicion, have been kept in "substandard" facilities under "unhygienic" conditions.

from Moneycontrol

Hot Stocks | Here's why Nestle, Maruti, NTPC are a sell for short term

Nifty has slid below its 100-days exponential moving average on monthly charts which can trigger further selling pressure into the prices in coming sessions once again.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic: Kevin Durant among 4 Brooklyn Net players who test positive

The Nets announced on March 17, that four players have tested positive for the new coronavirus, bringing the total to seven known players in the NBA.

from Moneycontrol

West Bengal reports first positive case of coronavirus

He started showing symptoms of COVID-19 since morning, following which he was admitted to the isolation ward of the Beliaghata ID hospital here, they said.

from Moneycontrol

What changed for the market while you were sleeping? Top 10 things to know

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a positive opening for the index in India with a 39 points loss.

from Moneycontrol

Europe locks down as WHO calls for 'boldest actions' against pandemic

The World Health Organization called for the "boldest actions" against the pandemic on the continent, the outbreak's new epicentre.

from Moneycontrol

EU imposes entry ban for 30 days: Angela Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the same on March 17

from Moneycontrol

Monday, March 16, 2020

Today, we have an investment philosophy and framework in place: Tata MF

We want to be a full-service fund house. We have to be there for all kinds of investors, at all points in time

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus cases in Mumbai Metropolitan Region rise to 14

Daksha Shah, deputy director of BMCs health department, said of the five people who have tested positive in the MMR, one is from Mumbai and two each from Navi Mumbai and Kalyan cities.

from Moneycontrol

Sitaram Yechury pitches for court-monitored independent probe into Delhi's communal violence

Addressing a press conference here, he referred to videos claiming that the police allegedly aided the violent attackers and said the perpetrators of the violence must be brought to book.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus LIVE updates: No entry of passengers from EU countries, UK, Turkey from March 18, says govt

LIVE updates of the novel coronavirus pandemic and its impact. There are at least 114 active cases of COVID-19 in India.

from Moneycontrol

A holistic and all-out coordinated response to Covid-19 in India is a must

The government and businesses must brace for a longer and steeper pandemic-triggered hit than the single-quarter event as expected earlier

from Moneycontrol

NMDC slashes iron ore prices by Rs 50 per tonne

The price of iron ore fines, which are inferior grade ore, has also been reduced by Rs 50 to Rs 2,860 per tonne.

from Moneycontrol

UN Security Council halts meetings due to coronavirus epidemic

After the earlier cancellation of the meeting planned for Tuesday, the Security Council was planning to discuss the situation of Darfur in Sudan on Wednesday, and address multilateralism on Thursday.

from Moneycontrol

West Bengal to create Rs 200cr fund to tackle coronavirus; theatres, stadiums to remain shut till March 31

Banerjee said the state government would invoke the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 so that action could be taken against those who do not follow the safety precautions suggested by the authorities to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

from Moneycontrol

Donald Trump says pandemic could end in US by July

"So it seems to me that if we do a really good job... people are talking about July, August, something like that," Trump told reporters at the White House on Monday when asked how long the outbreak might last.

from Moneycontrol

Jyotiraditya Scindia omitted details of pending cases in Rajya Sabha papers: Congress

Two Congress candidates for the March 26 Rajya Sabha elections from Madhya Pradesh, Digvijaya Singh and Phool Singh Baraiya, on Monday filed written objections against BJP nominees Scindia and Sumer Singh Solanki, seeking that their nomination papers be rejected on certain grounds.

from Moneycontrol

Options Trade | An options strategy to gain from high volatility in Nifty’s weekly contract

A broken wing Iron Condor trade in the weekly Nifty option contracts

from Moneycontrol

Futures Trade | A short sell trade in Axis Bank following a shallow pullback

A series of shallow pullback and subsequent sell signals strengthen the bearish view in Axis Bank.

from Moneycontrol

Oil prices jump $1 as recent sharp falls draw investors

Brent crude was up by 1.5%, or 46 cents, to $30.51 a barrel by 0206 GMT, after hitting a high of $31.25.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic: New housing launches may slow down by 15% this festive season

Footfalls and site visits also hit by 25%. Homebuyers delaying taking decisions

from Moneycontrol

In pics | Coronavirus cases in India cross 100; a look at how the country copes with the pandemic

Here are few pictures to show life in India at the time of the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic.

from Moneycontrol

IMF chief says over 20 countries seek aid, calls for coordinated spending

In a blog post on the International Monetary Fund's website, Georgieva said the IMF was ready to mobilize its full $1 trillion lending capacity to help member countries deal with the crisis.

from Moneycontrol

Amazon to hire 100,000 workers as online orders surge on coronavirus worries

With shoppers clearing out shelves in fear of quarantines or product shortages, retailers are racing to keep food and hygienic items in stock and have employees on hand for in-store work or delivery.

from Moneycontrol

Market LIve: SGX Nifty indicates a positive opening for Indian indices

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a positive opening for the index in India with a 137 points gain. The Nifty futures were trading at 9,240 on the Singaporean Exchange

from Moneycontrol

Gold extends losses from Monday's meltdown on flight for cash

Spot gold slipped 0.2% to $1,511.30 per ounce by 0039 GMT, having slumped as much as 5.1% on Monday to its lowest since November.

from Moneycontrol

Universal Pictures will make movies available at home and in theaters on the same day

The decision, announced by NBCUniversal on Monday, is a response to changing consumer behavior as the coronavirus spreads. It upends the traditional practice of keeping a movie exclusively in theaters for what is typically a 90-day window before releasing it on other platforms.

from Moneycontrol

What you need to know about coronavirus today

While President Donald Trump remains studiously optimistic about the outcome, Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert, says the coming days are critical.

from Moneycontrol

Stocks in the news: IOC, Yes Bank, KEC International, Bajaj Finserv, Sadbhav Engg, Grasim

IOC | KEC International | Maruti Suzuki India | Future Consumer | Kotak Mahindra Bank and Adani Enterprises are among the stocks that are in the news today.

from Moneycontrol

What changed for the market while you were sleeping? Top 10 things to know

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a positive opening for the index in India with a 299 points gain.

from Moneycontrol

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Donald Trump congratulates Fed for rates cut, calls action 'terrific'

"It's really good news. It's great for the country," Trump, who had publicly pressed the Fed to slash rates to boost the economy during the fast-escalating coronavirus outbreak, told a White House news conference.

from Moneycontrol

When should investors start bottom fishing – What does history suggest?

On an assumption of no earnings growth in FY21e for Nifty, the parity between bond yield and earnings yield is achieved at a Nifty level of 8432, and a market correction below that level is unlikely to sustain for long

from Moneycontrol

Madhya Pradesh BJP legislators return to Bhopal after 5 days in Haryana

The party had taken its MLAs to the Manesar resort on March 10 in a bid to keep it's flock together amid the political crisis in Madhya Pradesh.

from Moneycontrol

Madhya Pradesh Government Crisis LIVE Updates: Speaker to take a call on floor test, says Kamal Nath

Live updates of the Madhya Pradesh political crisis. CM Kamal Nath has been asked by the Governor to take a floor test today. It remains unclear if it will happen.

from Moneycontrol

What do the Fed's latest moves mean for US consumers?

In a move reminiscent of the extraordinary steps the central bank took in the 2007-09 financial crisis, the Fed will flood the financial system with cash to ensure markets keep functioning and banks have the scope to keep credit flowing to businesses and consumers during the growing number of shutdowns prompted by the outbreak.

from Moneycontrol

China logs more coronavirus cases imported from abroad

After declaring they had "basically" curbed the spread of the disease within China, where the virus first emerged, authorities are now worried about an influx of infections arriving from other countries.

from Moneycontrol

CJI rules out complete shutdown of SC amid COVID-19 threat

The CJI held a meeting with four apex court judges, bar leaders of the Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association and eminent doctors, including Randeep Guleria from the AIIMS, New Delhi, to discuss the situation and the steps that can be taken to prevent the spread of the deadly disease.

from Moneycontrol

Only raising of hands allowed during trust vote: MP governor

Notably, in his letter to the CM ordering a trust vote on Saturday, the governor had directed that the division of votes during the floor test be conducted only by pressing the button (through the electronic voting system) and by no other way.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | US govt official says vaccine trial starts Monday

The first participant in the trial will receive the experimental vaccine on Monday, the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the trial has not been publicly announced yet.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Nike closes stores in US and some other countries

Nike stores in South Korea, Japan and much of China will remain open, however, the statement said.

from Moneycontrol

Democratic White House contender Joe Biden says he would pick a woman as vice president

"If I'm elected president, my Cabinet, my administration, will look like the country, and I commit that I will in fact appoint and pick a woman as vice president. There are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow. I would pick a woman as my vice president," Biden said.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | Cases rise to 110; Maha overtakes Kerala; Kartarpur Corridor travel suspended as border restrictions come in place

Extending the border restrictions in view of the coronavirus outbreak, the government has suspended travel and registration of pilgrims to the Kartarpur Sahib Gurdwara through the corridor from Sunday midnight, besides movement of all types of passengers to Pakistan through international border points.

from Moneycontrol

Market Live: SGX Nifty indicates a negative opening for Indian indices

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a negative opening for the index in India with a 659 points loss.

from Moneycontrol

Market Live: SGX Nifty indicates a negative opening for Indian indices

Trends on SGX Nifty indicate a negative opening for the index in India with a 659 points loss.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus LIVE Updates: Amid crisis, US Fed Reserve cuts key interest rate to near zero

Live updates of the novel coronavirus pandemic and its impact. There are at least 110 active cases of COVID-19 in India.

from Moneycontrol

Futures Trade | A bullish engulfing pattern in PFC

PFC futures after a bullish Engulfing pattern has on the intra-day Point & Figure chart has triggered a series of strong buy signals, indicating strength & upside momentum. 

from Moneycontrol

Options Trade | An options strategy to benefit from the high volatility in Nifty

Presently volatility is very high in Nifty and we are expecting volatility to drop which a broken wing Iron Condor trade can best exploit.

from Moneycontrol

Cash Market | A low risk buying opportunity in Tata Steel

After a relentless fall in Tata Steel a corrective bounce may be in order. There are two gaps that are likely to attract price rotation to themselves.

from Moneycontrol

JSW Steel | A bullish engulfing pattern in JSW Steel

A breakout failure on the weekly time frame and a bullish engulfing pattern on the daily time frame augur well for JSW Steel.

from Moneycontrol

Stocks in the news: Yes Bank, RCF, ICICI Bank, Ind-Swift Lab, HDFC, Escorts

RITES | Kotak Mahindra Bank | Yes Bank | Axis Bank | Prestige Estates | Indiabulls Housing | Wipro and Escorts are stocks, which are in the news today.

from Moneycontrol

Fed cuts interest rate to zero, launches $700bn QE programme

The Fed's March 15 move is its second emergency rate cut in less than two weeks

from Moneycontrol

What changed for the market while you were sleeping? Top 15 things to know

FPIs have withdrawn a whopping Rs 37,976 crore on a net basis from the Indian markets in March so far

from Moneycontrol

Hot Stocks: Support for Nifty at 9,800; here's why investors can buy HDFC Bank

Investors must watch out for the levels of 9800 on the downside which will be a big support and on the upside 10,500 is likely to act as a resistance in the short-term.

from Moneycontrol

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Bollywood faces uphill task in 2020 to match last year’s box office numbers; poor quality of films, coronavirus scare major reasons

If the progress of 2020 so far is anything to go by, it would be a massive struggle for Bollywood to come close to the 2019 box office collections.

from Moneycontrol

Govt to reclassify ancient monuments; review policy regulating construction around ASI-protected sites

According to the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958, there is a ban on construction within 100 metres of a centrally protected monument and regulated construction within 100-200 metres.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus impact: Doctors warn Serie A players from restarting training, as more COVID-19 cases register in Italy

Serie A doctors said they have "strong concerns" and "unanimously advise not to resume training until a clear improvement" in the situation arises.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus: Construction, transport, chemical manufacturing likely to be worst-affected, says report

However, India's top imports -- crude oil and gems and jewellery -- which collectively account for 46 percent of total imports are relatively insulated from the public health crisis in China, according to the report by ICICI Securities.

from Moneycontrol

Karnataka CM requests techies to work from home; IT firms still exploring options

So far, there ahev been six COVID-19 cases in Karnataka. Three of them are techies, each from Mindtree, Dell and Google India based in Bengaluru.

from Moneycontrol

Petrol price cut by 12 paise/litre, diesel by 14 paise

Petrol in Delhi now costs Rs 69.75 per litre, while diesel is priced at Rs 62.44, according to a price notification of state-owned oil firms.

from Moneycontrol

218 Indians stranded in coronavirus-hit Italy arrive in India

"218 Indians including 211 students from Milan landed in Delhi. All will be quarantined for 14 days. GoI is committed to reach out to Indians in distress, wherever they are!," External Affairs V Muraleedharan tweeted.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus scare: FPIs press panic button, withdraw Rs 37,976 cr from Indian mkts

Overseas investors pulled out a net sum of Rs 24,776.36 crore from equities and Rs 13,199.54 crore from the debt segment between Mar 2-13, depositories data showed.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus impact: Pilgrimage to Kartarpur Sahib suspended

The government has also suspended movement of all types of passengers through international border points with Pakistan from 00:00 hours of March 16 in view of the threat from coronavirus.

from Moneycontrol

Explained | Tools to help you while working remotely amid coronavirus outbreak

Moneycontrol’s Sakshi Batra discusses work from home as an alternative brought by the COVID-19 outbreak and a few tools for seamless connectivity with your colleagues.

from Moneycontrol

How to read the market direction? Remember ‘Chakravyuh’ in Mahabharat

The young Abhimanyu knew how to penetrate the labyrinth formation, but ultimately met his death in the ‘Chakravyuh,’ because he did not have the knowledge of its ‘exit’ strategy.

from Moneycontrol

The good, bad and the ugly of Yes Bank’s Q3 numbers, rescue fine print

Yes Bank’s Q3 numbers and finer details of the bail out scheme shows that more pain is awaiting the new management and investors in the bank’s tricky balance sheet

from Moneycontrol

CCI oscillator suggests buying opportunity in Maruti Suzuki

'We expect higher price movement towards resistance zone standing around Rs 6,600-6,700 levels in coming days.'

from Moneycontrol

Avoid catching a falling knife; markets need base formation rather than a pullback

Major support level of 8,850 was breached on lower side on an intraday basis, but it is still intact on closing basis. The level will continue to act as a support in coming days.

from Moneycontrol

'With market in mayhem amid coronavirus fears, pick these top 5 stocks for returns up to 34%'

Current sell-off has presented an opportunity to accumulate stocks for long term as most of the stocks are available to the investors at attractive valuations.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus pandemic | FIIs sell equities worth Rs 41,700cr in 14 straight sessions, DIIs buy Rs 43,600cr

In January and February, the FIIs sold equities worth Rs 5,359.51 crore and 12,684.30 crore respectively. The corresponding figures for DIIs was Rs 1,073.49 crore and Rs 16,933.03 crore, respectively.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus scare | Principal MF's Rajat Jain lists these 6 safe havens

Speaking on the impact of coronavirus on India Inc, Jain said earnings downgrades are likely as businesses are disrupted.

from Moneycontrol

Market Week Ahead: 10 key factors that will keep traders busy

While an intermittent rally could be possible, the overall sentiment may remain weak this week, experts suggest.

from Moneycontrol

234 Indians stranded in Iran have arrived in India: Jaishankar

"234 Indians stranded in Iran have arrived in India; including 131 students and 103 pilgrims.

from Moneycontrol

China reports 20 new virus cases, jump in 'imported' infections

The National Health Commission said infections involving people arriving from overseas were reported in five provinces and cities including Beijing and Shanghai.

from Moneycontrol

GST Council meet: Finance Ministry to examine possibility of borrowing from market to solve compensation issue

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that the impact of GST Council's possible borrowing on the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, would have to be assessed.

from Moneycontrol

Madhya Pradesh Governor Lalji Tandon directs CM Kamal Nath to seek trust vote on March 16

A letter from the governor was sent to the chief minister in this regard around midnight, a Raj Bhawan source told PTI.

from Moneycontrol

Trump tests negative for coronavirus: White House physician

Trump had taken the coronavirus test on Friday night. The results came out in less than 24 hours.

from Moneycontrol

Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic | All education institutions closed in Pakistan till April 5

The decision was taken at a meeting of the National Security Committee (NSC) chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan, attended by key minister, services chiefs and other senior officials.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus Pandemic | Cabinet approves Odisha Covid-19 Regulations 2020

These regulations come into force with immediate effect and will remain valid for a period of one year, Health and Family Welfare Secretary N B Dhal told reporters.

from Moneycontrol

Netanyahu requested PM Modi to allow export of masks, pharmaceuticals to Israel: report

Israel's Channel 13 on Friday reported that Netanyahu made the request after India decided to stop the export of these items to meet its own domestic requirements in view of the rapid spread of coronavirus.

from Moneycontrol

Govt hikes duties on petrol, diesel by Rs 3 each

The price hike will be effective from March 14

from Moneycontrol

Haryana bans public rallies, sporting events to contain coronavirus spread

The decision was taken after reviewing the situation in the state, he said.

from Moneycontrol

Airports body seeks concession fee waiver due to coronavirus impact

"COVID-19 has drastically impacted the airport business and is posing a serious threat to the financial sustainability of the airport industry in the most-affected countries of the Asia-Pacific region," the ACI said in a letter to Puri.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus Pandemic | Indian Embassy in US takes measures to address concerns over travel restrictions

A large number of the more than 200,000 Indians studying in various US universities were schedule to travel to India during the spring break and in particularly during the upcoming summer vacation when the university dorms are closed for the next few months.

from Moneycontrol

Babri Masjid demolition: CBI court fixes Mar 24 for questioning accused

Special Judge S K Yadav will also summon the other accused in the case.

from Moneycontrol

Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia extends travel ban to EU, 12 nations including India

There are 11 foreign nationals among the people who contracted the virus, Saudi Press Agency quoted the Saudi Health Ministry as saying.

from Moneycontrol

  Finding symbol of isotops by proton and neutron